issue with joystick

Issue #248 resolved
Rich Kinkead created an issue

Haven't had any problems with controller until latest update. I redid the calibration and it seems fine however when a TIE fighter gets in front of me it acts real sluggish and I have a hard time following and getting a clean shot. I haven't had this problem before the 171119 update. I'm trying to adjust but everything I do seems to have same out come. I use a Logitech Attack 3.

Comments (11)

  1. Justagai

    It may have nothing to do with your joystick. There was a change to the AI that made it pause more often in flight. We are still refining the AI at this point so there may be some sluggish movements.

  2. Justagai

    One thing I'd like to add: Does the controller get sluggish when facing a capital ship? Any frame drops or the like?

  3. Rich Kinkead reporter

    Actually I didn't really notice. I was doing the calibrating configuration playing Beat the odds and Wing men are important, which don't have any capitol ships, I believe. I'll fiddle around later tonight or tomorrow to see if frame rates drop for capital ships.

  4. Rich Kinkead reporter

    hey there, played a mission where I had to help escort evacuating rebel cruisers. controller does seem sluggish as well flying in front or side of cruiser. Sorry not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but please see if issue needs to be fixed. Having hard time enjoying game, and really can't afford to buy a new joystick right now.

  5. Justagai

    Ok, so there are a few things I would like you to test.

    Go into your visual settings and change the overall quality to fastest. Then try a mission with a capital ship and see if the issue is still there.

    If that fails, please disconnect your joystick and test with a mouse. See if the issue pops up again with capital ships.

    Please also be aware that XWVM is in alpha state and is not finished. While XWVM is enjoyable, please remember that the reason you are here is to test and find bugs within XWVM.

  6. Justagai

    If you changed the graphics and it was a little better, then your joystick is not the issue. This sounds more like a hardware issue. I understand that XWVM was running better before the 171119 build. The build was upgraded to the latest version of Unity which is somewhat different in how it runs to put it lightly.

    What resolution are you running XWVM at? And what resolution are you running on your desktop? Try reducing the resolution in XWVM and see if that speeds things up.

  7. David Esparza Guerrero

    I think it's a performance problem.

    Can you please tell us your in-game username? Not the email, but the name that the game says when it welcomes you. Is it "Rlkinkjr"?

  8. Rich Kinkead reporter

    Hello, Yes I did do the latest update. That's when the problem started. My name display is Rlkinkjr. I'm going to check my settings later tonight as well. Thanks for your concern folks. I know you are extremely busy working on issues and game.

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