TOD5M10 - "X is attacked" arrival trigger not correct

Issue #249 resolved
Dez E created an issue

In the original game, when a F/G is set with an arrival trigger of "F/G X is attacked", this can also be triggered by ID'ing any of the craft in the flight group - even without actually attacking it.

This is also confirmed in the mission hints for this mission, which state:

"Order your escorts to wait outside the range of the mines.  ID the FRTs. This will trigger the arrival of 2 CRVs (which must be destroyed), and 3.5 minutes later, the FRT Libom."

To resolve this, the XWVM arrival condition for "X is attacked" would need to be modified to include ID'ing as an 'attack'.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Launch TOD5M10

  • ID but do not attack either of the two freighters (Norvech).

  • Wait until Norvech enters hyperspace; the mission will fail as Libom cannot arrive.

Comments (4)

  1. Justagai

    I have determined that the container in that mission is the object that checks the distance (x,y,z) between itself and the player specifically, rather than the TIE Fighters themselves. When the player is within .7km, it considers itself attacked and launches its fighters. There may be a variance to the distrance trigger due to the magical number (32767) the devs hoped to avoid (similar to the turret target range situation). The best way to determine its true trigger range in future situations like these is to fly on the target's X or Y axis.

  2. Justagai

    One more thing to add is that if the player IFF matches that of the craft with the attacked trigger, it will NOT trigger within a distance and will have to be attacked normally instead.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #249: TOD5M10 - "X is attacked" arrival trigger not correct Fixed: "Arrival FG destroyed" arrival condition reimplemented as "Arrival FG depleted with at least one destoyed" to match original's behavior.

    → <<cset 0c8be585e6cb>>

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