Destructable components armor

Issue #264 closed
Justagai created an issue

Thanks to Sekir Delyn for this info.

Damage = (Speed of craft in MPH + Weapon base damage) shr Armor class

0 for fighters, SHU, TRN, TUG: no right shift, no division 2 for FRT, CON, CRV (meaning division by 4) 4 for FRG, CRS, ISD (meaning division by 16) 6 for Corvette's laser turret 8 for ISD's shield generator

Corvette's Laser Battery HP: 80 Armor rating: 64

ISD's Shield Generator HP: 90 Armor rating: 256

Fun Fact: Ion blasts are capable of DESTROYING these components! CRV's tower: 14 ion; or 27 low ion blasts ISD's tower: 90 ion; and it is invincible to LOW ion as LOW laser blasts as well.

Shooting at the Star Destroyers shield generator towers: dmg=(225+500)/256=2.832, decimals lost -> dmg=2. Generator's HP being 90 it need 45 shots to bring it down at this speed. HOWEVER, if you speed up to 120 MGLT (270 MPH) your dmg will be (270+500)/256=3.0078125 where the decimals are clearly negligable, you can bring down the generators with only 30 shots!

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