TOD5M12 - Board to Exchange should not repair disabled freighter

Issue #265 resolved
Dez E created an issue

During TOD5M12, FRT Jess 6 is disabled. When it is boarded by Jess 9, in XW98, Jess 9 swaps the cargo and departs, but Jess 6 remains disabled. In XWVM, Jess 6 is repaired by this process and departs normally.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Launch TOD5M12

  • Let Jess 6 be disabled by the gunboats.

  • Destroy or disable FRT Slick which will try to board the freighter.

  • Protect both freighters (Jess 6 and Jess 9) during approach and docking.

  • Once docking is complete, note that both freighters are operational and moving to their hyper points. In the original game, only Jess 9 moves.

Video comparison

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