Hyperspace for player function

Issue #268 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Here the results of my tests with hyperspace and the player in the original. The tests were performed with two X-wings in each others flight path with distances between 8km to 27km.


  • There is no speed change while rotating towards the hyperpoint. Speed is maintained throughout the process.

  • The Hyperpoint is the hyper waypoint set in the player's FG in the mission file. The player starts to rotate/reorient towards that point when hyperspace is activated.

  • There is a minimum of 3 seconds passed before moving to the in-motion phase. The timer starts the second the hyperspace key is pressed. So if it takes 4 seconds to rotate towards the hyper point, the player will go into the in-motion phase the second it finishes rotating. The timer is reset if hyperspace is aborted for whatever reason.


The player in this phase is going at 999MGLTS but not in actual hyperspace.

When something is in the path to the hyper point and the player is already in motion towards the hyperpoint, they will remain in motion until:

  • 6km of the object, then the ship's speed will drop to 4MGLTS regardless of ship type.

  • If within 6km, the player will remain in motion until 0.35km has been traveled, then it will halt at 4MGLTS again. Any objects within 0.35km will cause a collision.

  • If the player manages to travel 10km before hitting a distance of 6km between the object, the player will successfully jump to hyperspace.

  • If blocked by an object, a message will appear saying "Object detected in jump path, hyperspace jump aborted." in red text.


  • When the external camera is used after the player jumps out of hyperspace, the raw speed of the player is maintained at 30MPH (applies to every ship)


  • The mission file determines what the player does when the mission timer reaches 0. If the player's FG is set to depart by hyperspace in the mission file, the game will force them to hyper. If there is object in the way, they will continuously jump until they have either bypassed the object, or died from a collision. XWVM should just have them hyper out instead of going through this hyper loop. If the player's FG is set to depart to mothership, then the mission simply ends.

  • Throttle never gets changed throughout the entire process. Only speed.

Comments (4)

  1. Xwvm Art

    Rasi has reported that craft speed is currently set to zero when beginning the hyperspace sequence.

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