Targeting computer shows multiple wireframes

Issue #27 resolved
Dez E created an issue

When targeting an object close to another targetable object, the targeting computer can show the wireframe of the neighbouring object as well.

Whether you consider this a bug depends on whether you prefer the TIE-Fighter style display (which contained only the targeted item) vs the X-Wing Alliance style (which was able to show lighting, particle effects, lasers and occasionally other objects).

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start Y-Wing historical mission 2

  • Target one of the containers in a pair.

  • Manoeuvre such that you are close to the other object while facing the target

  • Observe the targeting display which shows multiple objects

Comments (2)

  1. J. King

    Personally I always found the XWA targeting computer highly distracting. I'd much rather XWVM's computer show only the targeted object, and blank out rather than showing debris (as it sometimes does in tracking mode, I believe).

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