IFF Colors

Issue #270 resolved
Justagai created an issue

I propose a list of revised IFF colors. Here are their values.


  • normalColor = VectorMathHelper.HexToColor(0x00C700ff),
  • highlightedColor = Color.green


  • normalColor = VectorMathHelper.HexToColor(0xC62800ff),
  • highlightedColor = Color.red


  • normalColor = VectorMathHelper.HexToColor(0x0055CEff),
  • highlightedColor = VectorMathHelper.HexToColor(0x008EFFFF)

Craft IDs are using the windows color version which shows a contrast but not so dark as the DOS version.

Comments (3)

  1. Justagai reporter
    • edited description

    Made an amendment to the Rebel and Imperial normal colors to reflect the ones in TIE Fighter. The Rebel color seemed to have changed much more (and looks better than in X-wing) than the Imperial one.

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