AI Turn Rotation and speed not like the original

Issue #273 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Here are some videos to illustrate what's going on. Its easier to see the issue on a capital ship since they move slower.

Original Nebulon B Frigate turning

XWVM Nebulon B Frigate turning

Comments (3)

  1. Justagai reporter

    Based on my tests and the data provided from Aviopene, it seems that the AI uses 50% of its pitch/yaw when circling waypoints. When attacking/dogfighting, AI utilizes 75% yaw and 50% pitch. The only time the AI uses their max is when they hit their pain threshold and that only applies to the first waypoint set when that happens. They do not use their max during normal evasion (too close to the target for example).

  2. Justagai reporter

    It seems AI also have a rolling yaw that is ship dependent. There is a value in the shiplist value that determines how much of a roll is applied (it basically modifies pitch when they yaw). I will list the values of each ship.

    • X-Wing: 24576
    • Y-Wing: 16384
    • A-Wing: 24576
    • B-Wing: 21845
    • TIE Fighter: 0
    • TIE Interceptor: 0
    • TIE Bomber: 0
    • TIE Advanced: 0
    • Assault Gunboat: 20480
    • Shuttle: 12288
    • Transport: 4096
    • Tug: 0
    • Container: 0
    • Freighter: 0
    • Corellian Corvette: 0
    • Nebulon B Frigate: 0
    • Calamari Cruiser: 0
    • Star Destroyer: 0
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