Feature - Mission messages / Dialogue support

Issue #274 new
Dez E created an issue

Ticket to track implementation of messages during missions - this is also an essential component of in-flight dialogue.

A suggested approach is to implement the message system from TIE Fighter (and with the enhancements included in XvT), but with some changes:

  • No maximum string length (however, including a warning if strings exceed the original length would be useful, e.g. 64 chars for TIE Fighter / XvT)

  • Being able to chain multiple messages to a single event. In the existing format, multiple messages can be assigned to a single event, however the delay must be specified manually. A useful feature would be to automatically take into account the length of the linked audio file, and allow the mission designer to group and order the messages based on a single trailer. (in the attached screenshot, the first 4 messages are based on the same trigger, but each message has manually been given a delay from 0 - 15s to create the required chain.

  • Unlimited number of audio files per mission (current limit is 16)

  • Additional colours for messages (maybe allow the mission designer to specify a hex value?)

  • Allow voice files to be used for more than one message in a mission (currently this is not the case).

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