Mouse movement velocity seems excessive

Issue #275 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have controllers connected but removed via the options. So I'm just using mouse and keyboard only.

I'm using a G9 mouse with 3200 DPI and I am able to accelerate my turning seemingly without limit the faster I move the mouse even with mouse sensitivity turned down to the last segment in the settings. As mentioned in a similar bug before, it is quite unnatural...

This is on build: 171206

Comments (7)

  1. Justagai

    One thing that I find curious is that the menu labels the mouse option as "X-Wing Style". Except there were no thresholds for constant movement in the original. I wouldn't know what to call it since the X-Wing series never had it.

  2. Raffaello Grani

    Regarding mouse steering: The long term plan is to include options for "Wing Commander" and "Freelancer"-style mouse steering.

  3. Barry Packham

    That will be good to have multiple mouse style choices. But currently it does give an unfair advantage since it is far easier to out maneuver almost everything. I just tried the original in dosbox and it seems to read off of whatever the windows cursor speed is. Even when I set mouse dpi to 200 and turn the pointer speed up in windows mouse settings. I assumed the max turning speed would be defined when the keyboard arrow keys were pressed. If the mouse turning speed is greater than that then it renders key binds for movement potentially useless.

  4. Ras Talon

    It resolves the excessive speed. There is still the issue of additive inputs that allow the player to exceed maximum turning rates.

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