Craft identify/inspect distance (research)

Issue #276 resolved
Random created an issue

Inspection distance is based on the craft OPT (in the Windows version).

To determine inspection distance (in meters):
Get the craft size (largest axis span) of the craft, in meters.
Multiply the size by 2 if under 75 meters (confirmed by Justagai).
Multiply the size by 2 if the ship is a CRS or ISD.

That is the resulting distance required to inspect.

Direction of approach does not appear to impact inspection distance in any significant way. (When testing the ISD from above, it seemed to have an inspection range of 3.20 rather than 3.21 from the front or side.)


Craft   OPT           Size(m)    CMD(km)  Est(m)   ASpan(m)  OPTRep(km)
TRN     TRNSPRT.OPT   18.71235   0.03     38.92    37.42     1.6
SHU     SHUTTLE.OPT   34.17986   0.06     69.69    68.36     1.6
TUG     TUG.OPT       9.025419   0.01     19.04    18.05     1.6
CON     CONTAIN.OPT   75.67139   0.07              75.67     1.6
FRT     FREIGHT.OPT   121.0938   0.12              121.09    1.6
CRS     CAL.OPT       1298.535   2.62              2597.07   3.21
FRG     NEB.OPT       375.9521   0.38              375.95    1.6
CRV     CORV.OPT      146.7529   0.14              146.75    1.6
ISD     ISD.OPT       1596.582   3.20              3193.16   3.21

CMD(km): observed CMD distance
Est(m): estimated, more accurate distance calculated from video time.
ASpan(m): Adjusted craft span, following the multiplication rules above.
OPTRep(km): observed distance after replacing ALL craft OPTs with the ISD OPT.  This reveals the unique case of the ISD and CRS.

Values taken from XWA Opt Editor.

OPT           Size(m)    Span X (m)   Span Y (m)   Span Z (m)
XWING.OPT     12.96013   10.7992907   12.9601259   3.30115952
YWING.OPT     21.99707   11.4013672   21.99707     2.58789063
AWING.OPT     9.545898   5.786133     9.545898     3.05175781
TIEFTR.OPT    7.983398   7.104492     6.90917969   7.98339844
TIEINT.OPT    9.521484   9.082031     9.521484     7.6171875
TIEBMB.OPT    9.887695   9.887695     8.666992     5.73730469
ASSAULT.OPT   15.08789   15.0878906   9.9609375    7.22656345
TRNSPRT.OPT   18.71235   7.80186129   18.7123451   5.77098131
SHUTTLE.OPT   34.17986   34.1798553   19.4496727   22.217638
TUG.OPT       9.025419   5.10872746   9.025419     5.91152763
CONTAIN.OPT   75.67139   38.69629     75.67139     21.3989258
FREIGHT.OPT   121.0938   75.68359     121.09375    34.0576172
CAL.OPT       1298.535   543.3594     1298.53516   179.882813
NEB.OPT       375.9521   87.890625    375.952148   209.521484
CORV.OPT      146.7529   63.7451172   146.75293    27.8564453
ISD.OPT       1596.582   934.5703     1596.582     481.005859
TIEADV.OPT    7.995605   5.029297     7.99560547   4.46777344
BWING.OPT     16.6748    11.66992     8.081055     16.6748047

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