Accuracy of torpedoes at yellow lock too high

Issue #28 duplicate
J. King created an issue

During S.O.S. from Corvette Karinne, firing torpedoes at T/B Alpha while only having a yellow lock always scores hits. In X-Wing a yellow lock is much more hit-or-miss, with torps often not homing in on the bombers.

Comments (5)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    The longer you have a yellow lock, the higher the "quality" of the lock is. I think the torpedoes and missiles still home when firing at yellow, in the original. The longer you have been locking the better they home, if I am not mistaken. In XWVM, this is represented by the reticule becoming more and more red, instead of jumping from total yellow to total red. Of course, it is likely that I have overestimated the homing capabilities of a yellow lock. Currently, the lock takes about 7 seconds to reach red from a cold target, and the quality (how fast the warhead is able to turn to face its target) is a linear value depending on the time you have been locking. So at 0 seconds is 0% of the max, and at 7 seconds, it's 100% of the max.

    Perhaps we need to tweak this function to be non linear or have a different factor of growth.

  2. J. King reporter

    For what it's worth I was testing this with the softest lock possible with human reflexes: less than one second lock time.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    I have marked this as a duplicate of a later issue because the later one provides much more detailed information of how it should be implemented, even when it was reported much much later than this one.

    I do this to avoid redundancy while keeping the one with most comprehensive information open.

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