Bomber AI Evasion

Issue #288 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Bomber AI will evade at a random vector/waypoint away from its target and will travel between a random time set between 15-30 seconds and fly straight without any other movements for the duration. This applies whether it be due to incoming fire or if its too close to the target. If the target is no longer applicable for use with Bomber AI (Y-wing destroys its target which is a Frigate and then targets a fighter) then it will resort to normal evasion times.

Just to clarify, the Bomber mode for AI will trigger if the target class is applicable. This means a Freighter or Starship class. It does not matter if it has applicable warheads. Example: An A-Wing will have the Bomber mode if attacking a Starship class target.

Another thing is that the Bomber mode evasion will still trigger even if there are no warheads/ammo available.

EDIT: Pain threshold is reset per pass/at the end of evasion. This also applies to the "Fighter" AI mode.

Comments (7)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    As a comment, for documenting purposes, the "bomber AI" seems to be equivalent to the "dogfighter AI", only that the timers are longer (1.5-5 seconds for dogfighting). Remember to make sure that these two behaviors match this observation.

  2. Justagai reporter

    Some example scenarios taken from Discord chat:

    [1] A B-wing is attacking a ISD. It gets too close and then it enters that "evasion" mode, that, since it is in bomber mode, involves just flying straight away from the ISD for 15-30 seconds.

    [2] During this time flywing away, the B-wing is hit 4 times by a TIE Interceptor. That would normally trigger the "Enter evasion mode because of pain threshold" behavior. But since the B-wing is already in evasion mode for some more seconds, it doesn't react.

    [3] The B-wing finally ends its timer of evasion. It notices the 4 hits pain threhold surpassed , and immediately what? (It enters evasion mode again? Or ignores the pain threshold got during evasion?)

    A: Pain threshold resets at the end of evasion mode. It will need to get hit 4 more times again till it returns to evasion mode. Pain threshold continues to rack up during evasion but has no effect.

    [4] On its way back towards the ISD, the B-wing is hit a few times by a TIE Fighter enough to trigger the pain threshold. [5] It enters evasion mode again and flies away from the ISD (not away from the TIE Fighter) for 15-30 seconds.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #288: Bomber AI Evasion Fixed: Chase and Success themes keep interrupting each other. Fixed. In X-Wing ruleset, ships shooting at large targets do not avoid collisions with other small ships.

    → <<cset 6d124676b5cb>>

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