[Graphics] Mission map on ToD4M1 buggy

Issue #292 resolved
Raffaello Grani created an issue

This happened in Tour of Duty IV, Mission 1: After the TIEs and the first wave of Gunboats were destroyed, I rejoined the CRVs to wait for the second wave of Gunboats. After these were destroyed as well, I noticed the following on the mission map.

  • The gridlines were gone
  • The distance to the FRG Red Wind was shown incorrectly
  • The FRG Red Wind didn't have any brackets despite being targeted
  • The issue solved itself when the CRVs jumped out

(Related to issue #289?)

Comments (2)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    There is still a problem with the lines, that will be solved as part of the map revamp that will come later on. However the main issue described here is no longer happening. Icons no longer stay in fixed positions when their ships are considered outliers.

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