Tour 4 Op 3 A-W Blue is going after T/F Gamma

Issue #294 resolved
Justagai created an issue

In the original, A-W Blue went after T/B Alpha first. T/B Alpha is set as a primary target, while T/F Gamma is set as a secondary.

Comments (4)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    This happens in TOD 4, not 3. (I was confused for a while :D ) In any case, this is not a bug, but how the wingman AI works.

    When Gamma gets close to Blue 1, Blue 2 disengages their main target (Alpha) and attacks Gamma to protect his leader. Blue 2 will keep fighting until his target is destroyed, then it will evaluate if the other Gamma ship is still close to Blue 1. If not, then it will join Blue 1 again to attack Alpha. If Gamma is close to Blue 1, then Blue 2 will target and attack Gamma.

    If we want this to behave in a different way, we need to agree how wingmen are supposed to behave.

  2. Justagai reporter

    Some notes on Wingman AI behavior:

    • Wingmen AI will stay in formation unless they have a target

    • Wingmen and Leader will target enemy leader on approach unless they are in the spiral, hi-lo, or stacked formation (they will attack the 2nd in FG instead, leader still goes for enemy leader)

    • After first enemy is destroyed on approach, they will target the nearest enemy regardless of leader's target/position

    • They will resume formation when there are no targets

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