Bugs in the intro cutscene

Issue #3 closed
Jan Hofmeister created an issue

I've noticed some bugs with the intro cutscene via Andrea's cutscene player implementation. I've attached an image with a few numbered screenshots of the cutscene, and here are the issues for each one:

1 - The beginning of the intro (after the crawl) is missing the looping engine sound of the Star Destroyer

2 - The pan that moves the Star Destroyers out of the frame to the right should be smoother... here the pan stops and jerks for a moment, causing a delay

3 - The second tug flying into frame is at the wrong position... also the spotlights on the floor (not in this screenshot) are having some problems with their color palette

4 - This shot has some jerky animation of the arm that drops the R2 unit into the X-Wing. As soon as it returns to its initial position, it suddenly pops back to its down position. The cockpit closing animation stops and jerks. Also the SFX of the cockpit closing is too long. In the original only a part of the sound effect is used. All this causes a delay in the cutscene.

5 - This shot is supposed to run at double the speed it does now, causing a delay.

6 + 7 - These two shots are in the wrong order - shot 7 should come before shot 6.

8 - Position of the elements doesn't line up (the laser bolts don't match the position of the X-Wing)... I think this is more of a timing problem of the two elements than a position issue.

9 - The X-Wing logo is filtered (bilinear), which makes it look too soft. Also the CD-ROM symbol is missing from the purple bar.

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