TIE bombers destroy Karinne when they shouldn't

Issue #30 resolved
J. King created an issue

In X-Wing, destroying a single TIE bomber from Alpha group is sufficient to ensure the Karinne escapes. The same is not true in XWVM, and this appears to be the case for two reasons:

  1. The bombers are travelling much too fast. In X-Wing they close at 60, but in XWVM they close at 80
  2. They attack the Karinne very differently. In X-Wing they all fire two torpedoes once 5km away, and do not fire again before reaching cannon range (which they never reach before the Karinne escapes; in XWVM they close to cannon range (which they can do because they are travelling too fast) and engage the Karinne with lasers, then fire a single torpedo each after landing a couple dozen laser hits

Comments (6)

  1. J. King reporter

    Yes. Confirmed with both X-Wing and X-Wing SE (which, by the way, sets the wrong speed when you ask it to match). The Karinne is moving at the correct speed, 22. I think the bombers' speed does vary at the beginning of their attack run, but it's definitely 60 for most of it, and never varies thereafter.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Great information. In XWVM all fighters set themselves at full speed when they are going to attack someone. It seems that's wrong and they should stay at the throttle level defined for them in the mission file.

    Now, does this affect only bombers on a torpedo run on a capital ship, or all fighters? That mission has defined that Alpha and Beta should have 70% throttle, and Gamma at 60%. That is 56 and 48 speed respectively. CAn you please check if Beta and Gamma move at those speeds in combat in original X-wing? To discard that this affects only bombers, can you please check if in the original X-wing in YWHM4 "Prisoners from Kessel" if T/F Alpha 1 moves at around 50 speed while Alpha 2 moves at around 100, and T/I Beta moves at around 88?

  3. J. King reporter

    After some testing I've ascertained the following:

    1. Observed behaviour appears specific to TIE bombers
    2. In SOS From Corvette Karina both T/B Beta and Gamma maneuver at variable speed (including up to 80), but always attack at 60, regardless of whether the target is a capital ship or a fighter
    3. TIE bombers in other missions (such as A-W mission 3) also appear to attack at 60
  4. David Esparza Guerrero

    Rebalance: Lower AI ranks are more impatient with target locks and fire missiles when they aren't totally red. Rebalance: Bombers in combat reduce their speed to 60. This fixes issue #30: TIE bombers destroy Karinne when they shouldn't. Rebalance: Lower AI ranks change direction much less often while evading. This fixes issue #22: Agility of TIE Bombers (Rescue Corvette Karinne). Rebalance: AI fire their weapons in linked mode when they are closer than 250m from their targets (from 500). No good firing angle is considered anymore.

    → <<cset 34c13e2e7e0e>>

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