XWHM06 - CRV Talon respawns

Issue #302 resolved
Dez E created an issue

In X-Wing Historical Mission 6, if CRV Talon is destroyed, it will hyperspace back in to the area after a short delay. There aren't any additional waves specified in the original mission file (as far as I can tell from X-ED), and this behaviour doesn't seem to be present in X-Wing 98.

Comments (5)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    I cannot reproduce this issue on my codebase. Can you please pull the latest master commit and check if it's still there?

  2. Dez E reporter

    I don't currently have access to the repo, so can't test the latest changes until a new build is released - however Justagai may be able to test, based on the latest commit?

    Also, just to confirm the behaviour that was being experienced, the corvette would hyperspace back in after destruction, as if a second wave had been specified in the mission file.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    Still cannot reproduce it. I am near to close this issue because of something fixing it along the way. :)

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