Xwing Wingmen are Important too - Wings close when AI leader hypers out

Issue #303 resolved
Rich Kinkead created an issue

I may have to play it again but your wingmen enter hype before the mission was over. Had to fight myself. Only had to finish off 3 TIE's

Comments (9)

  1. Raffaello Grani

    If this is Tour 1 Mission 7 with the abducted X-Wings: Your wingmen also withdraw prematurely in the original game in all versions. The fiction part of the Strategy Guide explains that this is due to a miscommunication.

  2. Rich Kinkead reporter

    Hey there. this is one of the training missions for x wing mission 2 I think. I have to play it again to c if they do that again or it may have been something that i misread. Mission is called Wingmen are important too. Ususally they leave after all TIE's are wiped.

  3. Rich Kinkead reporter

    Sorry title is called wingman are important. Red 1 will leave after 2 groups of TIE's are wiped. 3rd group is still there. Plus since he heads out your wings close as well but u can still fire.

  4. Justagai

    In that mission (filename "MAX4") X-Wing Red is set to attack only T/F Alpha and T/F Beta. Once those two groups are destroyed, the wingmen will hyper out. It would be a bug if they attacked all three groups. So not a bug.

  5. David Esparza Guerrero

    It's not a bug if the mission is designed to behave like that, as in this case. When a fighter group's with Attack Primary and Secondary Target orders has all their targets depleted, that fighter group will hyper out, regardless of more enemies remaining.

    If the mission designer wanted them to stay untill there aren't any enemies present, then they have to choose the Attack All order for that group.

    Regardless of that, I am still salvaging a part from this bug report: player's wings close when their leader hypers out. That shouldn't happen.

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