Briefing for AWHM6 shows details it should not

Issue #304 wontfix
J. King created an issue


In the original mission, the TIEs are hidden behind the containers. Perhaps the briefing renderer should have larger-class ships completely override any overlapping smaller-class ships?

Comments (3)

  1. Justagai

    This is actually not bug. See picture for details.


    EDIT: I misread the original description. I suppose flipping the container icon 90 degrees could help Changing the container icon would have to be the only option. Otherwise I don't think its a problem.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    This is working as intended. The fact that the TIE fighter icon can be almost seen behind the weird container icon on the original briefing means that only the shape of the icon is being a problem here.

    Codewise, XWVM is doing as the original, so no alteration from the development side is needed.

    The mission designers could have always removed the TIE Fighter icons, but they chose to leave them there.

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