Ships evade only once with non attack orders

Issue #306 resolved
Justagai created an issue

They also evade when hit with one laser. Unless their order has ignore in it.


  • When ships evade freighters/starships any ship with this order their evasion time is like that of bomber evasion. However they do not pick a waypoint directly away from the collision, and instead pick a waypoint that's angled upwards or downwards. Applies to any class. See "X-Wing Circle and Evade" video.

  • When getting hit by a laser or evade for whatever reason, they will go at their full pitch/yaw during their evasion. See "X-W Circle and Evade getting shot" video.

  • The videos show that they will only evade once with the fly/circle orders. Freighter/Starship class ships will "evade themselves" only once with these orders. See all videos.

Comments (8)

  1. Justagai reporter

    Video links of scenarios:

    Rebel Attacking corvette vs evading Imp CRV!AoEpIrw6LOkUi5Ef3Sjuf2gCN6-gQw

    Rebel and Imp CRV bullfighting!AoEpIrw6LOkUi5EgSgU3U4_2ccV2jg

    CRV Classes changed to fighter and attack!AoEpIrw6LOkUi5EhepFf36qrmXxRBQ

    X-Wing Circle and Evade!AoEpIrw6LOkUi5Ein0infEYjEGC_VQ

    CRV Attack with no target in area!AoEpIrw6LOkUi5EjvgzYW0WcuppBBg

    X-W Circle and Evade getting shot!AoEpIrw6LOkUi5EkBNYSPjfvoQiY5w

  2. Justagai reporter

    I plan on gathering more data on these orders, as well as the positional data of their evasion in order to have similar movement in XWVM.

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