In-Flight Graphics Display Problems

Issue #308 resolved
Tad Hashimoto created an issue

Problems with in-flight menu display sizing and HUD indicators relating to TrackIR view.

Problem 1 Menu sizing/button location issue.

ESC menu displays and works correctly in the mission select and briefing screens.

Once in the cockpit, the menu buttons and slider interfaces do not align with the graphics for each. For example, clicking on a button will do nothing, but clicking above the button in what appears to be a blank area will activate the button. It's as if the menu displays 20% larger than the actual menu interface.

Switching from TrackIR to Normal view corrects the issue.

Problem 2 HUD symbology display issue.

When in TrackIR view, targeting reticle and white target indicator boxes are not aligned properly. Target boxes are offset from actual targets, targeting reticle displays above laser firing lines.

System notes: GTX960 2GB Samsung 1920x1200 (16:10) monitor Windows 10 Head tracking

Pictures below

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