Request Adjustable FOV "Zoom" Axis

Issue #309 resolved
Tad Hashimoto created an issue

Request a FOV "zoom" function bindable to an axis (and key presses).

This is for anyone playing with head tracking or VR. While the static FOV makes sense for a static forward view, allowing for adjustable FOV in-game provides a much better experience for head tracking users who often pan around the cockpit. This allows the user to "zoom" out to see a greater FOV while searching around in a dogfight while keeping the important visual references in the cockpit (it's really hard to search and turn the craft in the right direction without peripheral vision to tell you where the target is in relation to the craft), and zoom in on distant targets that you'd normally be able to pick out with your eyes IRL (eyesight being better than monitor resolution).

This is a feature found in most flight sims that work with head tracking, and I think the XWVM experience would benefit greatly from its inclusion.

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