A wing training mission.

Issue #322 resolved
Rich Kinkead created an issue

Not sure if all the missions are completed. I know the Death Star missions are not. I know it takes a lot of work to do so. A wing training mission, Protect rebel star fighters. It seems the returning star fighters are crashing into mother ship instead of returning to it. Not sure if this has been mentioned before or not.

Comments (8)

  1. Ras Talon

    Assuming we're talking about HAW5. Flew it today. No kamikaze. I would say this issue is resolved.

  2. Rich Kinkead reporter

    Hello there. Sorry for delay. Had trouble with latest update, but got it to work. Fighters no longer crash into cruiser and are now entering hanger bay. However, just slight critisism.... blue wing star fighters that are returning to mother ship still have red paint job on them, I remember original they were blue colored markings. I know game is still being worked on.

  3. J. King

    Yeah, squadron colours have not been implemented yet. There's been a lot of discussion on how best to do it, so any implementation would be premature.

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