T1M4 T/F Delta should attack SHU Medevac

Issue #327 resolved
Justagai created an issue

In the original:

T/F Delta attacks SHU Medevac


T/F Delta attacks Red 2 (Player)

T/F Delta has the attack enemies order with Red 2 as its primary target and None for its secondary. However, there are some rules that AI follows when it comes to attacking targets.

The rules are as follows (Thanks to RandomStarfighter for finding this):

  • A target can only be attacked by 3 craft or 3 FGs.
  • If the 3 craft attacking slots are not filled, target another FG, even if its an invalid target. If it has an invalid target (a starship target for example when its supposed to attack fighters), don't attack the target and cycle to another target after 3-4 seconds.
  • If the FG is engaged then all of them are unless single craft exceptions apply.

Here is a video of fighters following the above rules. For reference, 0 = Red 2 (Player), 1 = FRG Redemption, 2 = SHU Medevac.

Comments (5)

  1. J. King

    The reverse of the behaviour can also be observed in T2M12 (INTCEP1): T/B groups Gamma and Delta launch and initially close on Tantive IV (as far as I can tell), but as the player moves to intercept some of them engage the player with missiles. This makes the mission rather less easy than in XWVM, where the bombers stubbornly stick to Tantive IV.

  2. Random

    This is a bug with the attack order that affects multiple orders with pri/sec targets and missions that use them. Fighter craft that wouldn't normally target the player in X-wing (if at all), immediately do target the player in XWVM without provocation (not targeting their FG, nor attacking them). This seems to mostly affect wingmen, causing them to ignore their orders in favor of performing superiority.

    One example is XWHM5 (halley.xwi). T/F Delta is supposed to attack freighters, with pri/sec targets set a freighter and container. In X-wing, the entire group ignores the player to close in on their targets. In XWVM, only the lead craft follows orders while the rest usually attack the player without provocation, only returning to their specific orders if the lead is dead, or sometimes after performing evasion.

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