Game freeze in BWHM5

Issue #331 resolved
Rob Pilkington created an issue

After destroying the Shrike, I turn to the corvettes (because they obviously need to die, too) and order my wingmen to attack them. The gunboats are hanging out near them. As I and my wingmen fly to them, the game freezes. Music continues to play (and when a planet is in the background its animations continue to play), but the game is otherwise unresponsive.

This happened 3 out of 4 attempts. On the attempt that did not freeze it was the first mission that I played after loading the game (and the gunboats were about 2-3km from me instead of 10km out by the mines and corvettes). On the other 3 attempts, it was the 2nd or 3rd mission after loading the game and the gunboats were hanging out by the mines and corvettes.

In the output log, a NullReferenceException is thrown repeatedly at the point the game froze.

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