[General] Enhancement: Subtitles for "Listen up" and "dismissed" on briefing map

Issue #337 resolved
Raffaello Grani created an issue

During the briefing, the blue text box of the briefing map is always empty when Ackbar or Dodonna says "Ok pilots, listen up" and "Man your fighters." I think it would make sense to have these lines subtitled on the blue text as well, as it would look better (in my opinion) on the one hand, and would also be helpful for the deaf and hard of hearing players on the other hand.

Comments (6)

  1. Det_Bullock

    Or possibly completely skip these lines like in the original? They become a bit grating after a while and they often feel a bit off, especially when Dodonna says "man your starfighters!" They might make sense only if there is some sort of transition animation like in X-wing alliance for the 3D version of the briefing.

  2. Det_Bullock

    It would still come out of nowhere, especially if the briefing preceding it has been particularly brief or subdued, I'm not surprised the pre and post briefing lines were dummied out in the original, in the end the repetition and the fact that they are often at odds with the tone of some of the individual briefing breaks the immersion a bit. Perhaps making them optional would be better? After all IIRC it's already planned to have people choose between the old 2D interface and new animated 3D one so they could be used only in the latter and left out from the former for the sake of authenticity.

  3. J. King

    For what it's worth I agree with @Det_Bullock: the lines get old after a while, and some of the briefings (e.g. T1M9) assume the lines are not there. I do appreciate the intent behind their resurrection (and I have been convinced of the benefit of the added in-flight lines), but I think these lines were cut for a good reason.

  4. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #344: T1M9: Briefing is weird Fixed: Issue #337: [General] Enhancement: Subtitles for "Listen up" and "dismissed" on briefing map (Start and ending lines removed)

    → <<cset 5543e923f0a8>>

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