Control Binding GUI Revamp

Issue #359 resolved
Tad Hashimoto created an issue

Propose redoing the control binding screen for improved ease of use.

Current binding menu utilizes two bind columns (mouse and controller) with buttons at the top for each controller which will reload the columns based on the controller selected. While this works adequately for users with only one controller, it's less than ideal for those with more than one controller, as it's very difficult to see which functions have been assigned to which device without selecting each device and scrolling down. It's a very controller-focused interface, rather than a function bind-focused interface.

Rather than buttons for each controller which update the columns, suggest adding multiple columns, one for each controller. Essentially a dynamic in-game spreadsheet which shows all control bind labels on the left of each row (as is currently) and controller names at the top of each column. This would allow for users to see which control binds were assigned to a any controller, not just one controller at a time.

Enhancement sub-notes: The current GUI display scale is too large to accommodate large scale control binding, even in the current configuration. GUI would need to be scaled down (smaller text/bind boxes) and spacing between bind rows reduced/removed in order to see more binds at once. This will be submitted in a separate ticket.

Comments (1)

  1. Xwvm Art

    XWVM Uses the ReWired rebind screen out of the box. Any improvements to this screen, as much as that would be nice, needs to come from Rewired, and not XWVM.


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