TOD2 M7 - Protecting the disabled X-wing seems exceedingly difficult

Issue #367 resolved
Barry Packham created an issue

Build: 180508

It seems to take me several attempts to complete this mission as it all depends on whether the GUNs that hyper in target me or the disabled X-wing. If they target the X-wing then it gets taken out almost immediately without any chance of me intervening. In the 95/dos versions it doesn't seem as difficult.

Comments (2)

  1. Justagai

    The GUNs are set to attack Pri/Sec targets with the primary target set as A-W RED and secondary as none. They should not be attacking anything else but A-W RED and thus this issue is a bug.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Direct orders to attack was always followed by some evasion. Wingmen following the leader now attack threats to the leader that are valid for the FG's orders. Fixed: Issue #367: TOD2 M7 - Protecting the disabled X-wing seems exceedingly difficult

    → <<cset a2c8924aa27a>>

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