Tie 'fly-by' sound cycles when game paused

Issue #368 resolved
Former user created an issue

Whist the original game appears to mute all sound when paused, XWVM has the music continue to play; I don't know if this is a deliberate choice but I wouldn't class it as a bug if not.

However, if you pause the game when close enough to hear a Tie's engine noise 'screech', then the sound effect also continues to play, changing in pitch as if it is continuously flying towards and then away from you - I'd suggest you'd want all sound apart from the music to mute during a game pause? Laser, torpedo and explosions all seem to mute ok as far as I can tell though.

Tested on several of the X-wing historical missions so it appears to be a general issue.


Comments (5)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    You mean that the engine sound of other ships keep playing?

    Music and engine sounds keep playing even in pause mode. Perhaps that is something to reconsider.

    In any case, you are saying that the fly-by sounds cycle. We don't have fly-by sounds for ships in XWVM. The original had them (the trademark TIE sound flying towards you then away, that you mention), but XWVM doesn't use those audio clips at all. Instead, we use Unity's sound system to automatically apply the doppler effect on normal engine sounds.

    What you hear is just the engine loop of other nearby ships. If we play your own ship's engine loop while paused, I don't know way we shouldn't do the same with other ships.

    If this is what you mean, perhaps this issue could be relabeled to "Mute engine sounds while paused". But it isn't really a bug, but an enhancement. Can you please confirm this?

  2. Kevin Greenhill

    Sorry for not being clear - and on my first post too :-(

    Firstly, yes, the engine sound (and music) plays when paused - I think the music is fine, but the engine noise can be intrusive and I think that alone is a good argument to mute it...

    Regarding the TIE engine noise, I didn't appreciate that you get Unity apply the doppler effect (showing my lack of any coding knowledge!). But it definitely sounds to me like the nearby TIE engine noise is 'cycling' when paused as if the ship is flying towards then away. It's quite a short period so it might just be the 'sound loop' as you say, but regardless it doesn't fit with the impression that the game universe is 'paused' when the sound is changing dynamically.

    Even if it's not a 'bug' with the sound effect, the fact that you can get a loud TIE 'screech' playing constantly is probably reason enough to mute ALL engine sounds while paused? As I said, in the original EVERYTHING is muted, but I personally quite like the music continuing to play. Of course I'm happy for it to be classified however you see fit...

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