The Fish-eye effect is strong with this one!

Issue #37 resolved
David Bugg created an issue

The starfield is hilariously blurry and zoomed when using an ultra-wide resolution.

Also, the FOV has problems with the left and right monitors. While the center monitor looks correct, anything outside of the typical 16:9 aspect ratio gets stretched badly.

That sort of stretching is common but it's usually not that pronounced. Attaching screenshots from another flight sim to compare.

Comments (6)

  1. David Bugg reporter

    Also attaching a screenshot from an alpha build of Fate of the Galaxy with totally unofficial y-wing cockpit.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    This will be solved when we implement multidisplay. We will use different cameras for each physical monitor and there will be no need to alter the FOV that much.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    A recent commit adds a slider to modify the star size in the starfield, to try and mitigate gameplay effects from this issue.

  4. David Bugg reporter

    Confirmed Starfield is fixed by using the slider. I was able to get good results at a setting of 11%. FOV manipulation helps but isn't perfect - that can wait until per-monitor settings are implemented.

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