Missing audio - laser / ion targeting solution

Issue #381 resolved
Ras Talon created an issue

When you have a laser or ion firing solution (The reticule turns green) there should be a soft consistent beeping to indicate you have a firing solution.

Comments (7)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Can you please confirm this is the case in both the Windows edition and in the DOS edition?

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    I suspected so. The reason of this is that in the DOS version it plays this sound by using the MIDI musical system. It synthesizes a note. In the Windows version there is no musical system, and there is no sound effect file to replace it. Since XWVM uses the original's digitalized audio sample resources, there is no file to play.

    We would need to create a sound effect ourselves, then pack it with XWVM to use it for that purpose.

  3. Raffaello Grani

    Actually, the effect Rasi Talon is refering to, is TGT-LP-7, the same one used during the lock-on phase for warheads, even in the same intervall. XWVM already uses it for warheads but not for cannons yet.

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