TOD2M12 Star Destroyer flips around and to hyper out instead of staying put

Issue #396 resolved
Ras Talon created an issue

J King's comments regarding the Star Destroyer Immortal:

"Its orders are SS Fly Once, but it has no waypoints; possibly XWVM interprets this as the Immortal having completed its mission, so it heads off to its hyperspace point as soon as it arrived;. Evidently it should instead just become a paperweight."

Comments (4)

  1. Ras Talon reporter

    Further added: "Make sure you note its orders and lack of waypoints in the bug report. It does have WP1 coordinates ("northeast"), but the waypoint is disabled."

  2. Ras Talon reporter

    TOD4M3 Cruiser Maximus reaches waypoint 1 early and turns. in X-wing, it stays relative to the Star Destroyer as near as I can tell. (Maybe)

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