R2 unit chirps don't match context

Issue #40 resolved
Rob Pilkington created an issue

In the original game, the R2 unit will provide chirps that, at least to some degree, match the context that prompted the chirp.

This provides some additional audible feedback to the player to help enhance situational awareness. In particular, the "something bad happened" sounds can get the player's attention.

It's very strange to hear my R2 unit chirp urgently and frantically (the sound normally played when an a missile is launched at me or a friendly ship has been destroyed) about destroying an enemy container that is supposed to be destroyed.

Comments (4)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    There is a pool of R2 sounds that the game randomly chooses from to report some mission events. Other R2 sounds are always used for particular events. I have placed in this file the different R2 sounds that XWVM can find in the game resource files and use.

    Please consider checking these audioclips and suggest which sounds should be used for which events.

    The current selection in XWVM is this: (when a type of astrome sound has more than one clip assigned, then it chooses one randomly every time)

    AstromechClip.GenericReport = { "r2a", "r2b", "r2c", "r2d"} // Used when an objective has updated or a objective ship has changed status (being boarded, captured, identified, disabled, destroyed...)

    AstromechClip.Damage = { "r2hit" }

    AstromechClip.Danger = { "r2dangr2" } // Used when a system is damaged

    AstromechClip.Happy = { "r2happy1" } // Used when a system is repaired

    AstromechClip.Warning = { "r2warn" }

    AstromechClip.Whistle = { "r2whistle" }

  2. Rob Pilkington reporter

    Thanks for the file list.

    I'm not sure I've ever heard r2a, r2b, r2c, or r2d play in flight. They seem to be the files R2 plays in the Proving Grounds craft/level selection menu.

    As far as I can tell, r2happy1 or r2whistle (not sure which; they're really similar) plays for the events mentioned for GenericReport when the event is positive for the mission.

    It also can play when an enemy capital ship is destroyed even if it isn't an objective.

    It seems r2warn can play for events that are negative. Friendly ship destroyed (even if it isn't an objective).

    r2warn also plays when time is running out. (Maybe only in historical missions? I'd have to double check.)

    Including r2a-r2d in gameplay does sound reasonable (similar to the surface mission music given additional use), but I don't think r2a or r2c (but especially r2a) should be played for positive events. They're too frantic and don't fit for that purpose. Perhaps they could play for negative events?

    Perhaps something more like:

    AstromechClip.PositiveReport = { "r2whistle", "r2b", "r2d" } // or r2happy1?
    AstromechClip.NegativeReport = { "r2warn", "r2a", "r2c" }

    r2dangr2 seems to play for incoming missiles.

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