TOD3M9 Uncompletable due to shuttle kamikaze

Issue #401 resolved
Ras Talon created an issue

After Rogue 2 docks with Ethar 1, and captures it, it turns to hyperspace out but collides with Ethar 2.

Two possible reasons for the collision

  1. Height issue. The corvette Ethar 2 might be at the wrong height, it starts higher than Ethar 1 but in X-wing 94 it moves down at some point. OR the height issue is a shuttle docking height issue.

  2. Related to another issue where the shuttles try to dock with the same corvette. If the other shuttle, Rogue 1, was not bugged, then it would capture Ethar 2 at the same time, and Ethar 2 would move out of the way.

Comments (3)

  1. Ras Talon reporter
    • changed status to open

    Y-wing Kamikaze behavior still observed in build 180808, to replicate, enter mission, use debug to destroy gunboats RHO and TAU, and stay out of the way of Y-wing BLUE, BLUE 3 will kamikaze Ethar 2.

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