Hyperspace path does not take planets into account

Issue #42 resolved
Dez E created an issue

Currently, it is possible to hyperspace through planets - ideally, the hyperspace path on entry/exit would avoid collision with any planets/rings.

This can be reproduced on Y-Wing Historical Mission 2 on entry and exit via hyperspace.

Comments (2)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #42: Hyperspace path does not take planets into account Fixed: Some explosion prefabs weren't sending audio to the SFX mixer channel. Changed: ReWired input manager is now a prefab.

    → <<cset 6a7019b4542d>>

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    The player's ship will no longer fly thru planets in its way in or out. However, rings aren't considered obstacles for now.

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