Joystick controller

Issue #444 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm not sure if this is concidered a bug, but when ever I load game up my joystick will always go back to default settings. Shouldn't it memorize buttons that I programmed the shorcuts to like roll clockwise and counter clockwise for an example?

Comments (16)

  1. Tad Hashimoto

    Out of curiosity, are you disconnecting the joystick in between sessions? Or plugging any new controllers in?

  2. Ras Talon

    Can you please type up the exact steps it takes, what exactly you bind, so I can try and reproduce it?

  3. Rich Kinkead

    Hello. Just tried again. When entering roll clockwaise and counter clockwise. it says about giving a count down and I hit trigger. then it will say which button do u want, and I'll select button 3 for clockwise and button 4 for counterclockwise. Once I turn the game off and restart. those buttons are clear again, everything else still wofks. I have a Logiteck attack 3 controller. programming roll by itself does not work at all. I believe at one point it use to. I understand if there is a game update that I may have to reprogram my controller, but it seems to do this regularly now.

  4. Ras Talon

    Here's what I did.

    Started XWVM. At mission select hit ESCAPE. clicked on REMAP GAME CONTROLS clicked on STICK because I have a HOTAS so I have to tell if I want to bind to stick or throttle clicked on the empty button for ROLL CLOCKWISE. On the countdown clicked a button on my joystick. (happened to button 3) twice to bind it. I clicked DONE. Then clicked OKAY. Then clicked ESCAPE and EXIT TO WINDOWS I started XWVM again. entered REMAP GAME CONTROLS. Clicked on the STICK controller. I saw that the button was already there.

    Did you do any steps differently? If so, I'll change the steps and try again.

  5. Rich Kinkead

    Nope, tried it your way. It still has me put it in after I log out and log back in. I'll check again later too, one more time. It's getting kind of lae for me now.

  6. Xwvm Art

    Please try the latest unofficial test build:

    This will start you off with the default control scheme, so my recommended course of action is this:

    * - extract the new build to a new folder and run it. * - Remap one or two controls to your controller, something that you can easily test. * - Start a mission and verify that the new mapping has worked. (Let's call this Checkpoint 1) * - Quit the game, go to the %appdata%\Roaming\XWVM folder. Take a copy of the XWVMcontrols.json file and save it somewhere else, and call it 'before' * - Start the new build of XWVM again and load a mission. Are the mappings still in place? (Checkpoint 2) * - Quit the game, go back to the same folder as before, and take another copy of the XWVMcontrols.json file and save it somewhere as 'run2' * - Start the new build of XWVM again, load up the controller mapping screen and remap a completely new control. Start a mission and test that it works. (checkpoint 3) * - Quit the game, save a new copy of the XWVMcontrols.json file as 'run3'. * Hopefully everything should work as expected all the way through, but if you find a problem at any of the checkpoints, please provide an update and a copy of the json files saved, which may give some clues as to the problem.

  7. Rich Kinkead

    It appears that the user interface is large again, I'm not sure if that is an actual bug. Also, the controls when being used seem to be a bit "sticky" and tend to hold. This seems to actually be worse for some reason.

    Let me know if I can contribute any more information to help!

  8. Xwvm Art

    Which controls are affected by the 'sticky' behaviour? If you use the previous build (if you still have it installed) do you see the same behaviour?

    Are any changes to the controls settings being saved now, following the steps above?

  9. Rich Kinkead

    Button4 had a hestation when I did clockwise. It would pause the game then roll, pause the game then roll. Counter clockwise on button 5 rolled smoothly, no interuptions. Before reinstalling, I did a couple of missions, and it seemed to work where I didn't have to keep reloading.

  10. Xwvm Art

    Can you check if you have the 'Cursor Toggle' action assigned to the button? This is a new feature that pauses the game and shows the mouse cursor until the key is released, so may be the cause of your issue. The key can be found at the bottom of the controls list.

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