[Gameplay] Torpedoes sometime miss a Frigate

Issue #45 resolved
Raffaello Grani created an issue

It can happen that fully locked on torpedoes miss the middle hull of a Nebulon-B Frigate and then dance around it in an attempt to hit it.

Comments (18)

  1. Justagai

    I've actually seen this happen in the original X-Wing many times, shot from either the player or from AI. It's technically normal behavior, and I wonder if enhancing the targeting of warheads in general would make it more easy/difficult for the player dodging enemy warheads.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    It might be a problem of where the "center" of a ship is now, since that is the point that warheads are homing towards. Since the frigate has a eccentric shape, we will need to make warheads aim at the center of some of its components instead.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    I have been trying to replicate this problem but all my torpedoes have hit the tube quite comfortably.

    Does it affect torpedoes or missiles?

  4. Justagai

    I want to say it will only affect torpedos since they have worse tracking than missiles. I'll do some testing on this. My theory is that it's related to the angle and distance the torpedo was fired from.

  5. Justagai

    I have videos showing the issue. What is the best way to upload them? The issue can happen with missiles as well by the way.

  6. David Esparza Guerrero

    I found the problem.

    There seems to be some bug regarding trigger rigidbodies with concave mesh colliders in Unity. The OnTriggerEnter even is not always launched, only sometimes.

    The problem seems to get solved when using convex mesh colliders or primitive colliders.

  7. Tad Hashimoto

    I just lobbed some missiles at the frigate in TOD IV M1, and half of them went through and had to loop around before impacting on the rear superstructure

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