Pressing Period Key to Toggle Pilot View to Cockpit View and Non-Cockpit View Decreases Throttle Level

Issue #457 resolved
star ithm created an issue

After pressing the period key "." to toggle pilot view to cockpit and non-cockpit view, it decreases the speed of the aircraft (it affected each aircraft I flew, i.e. X-Wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing, and B-Wing) by a random increment, i.e. 13 or 10 or 7 or 5. It does this each time the pilot's view is changed to the cockpit or to the non-cockpit view.

And after changing a laser recharge level or a shield recharge level and pressing the period key "." again, it decreases the speed of the aircraft each time the pilot's view is changed but with the sound of when the laser or shield recharge level is at the 3/4 level only if the pilot's view is changed to the cockpit view again.

Here's my unlisted YouTube video showing the bug in action:

Please read the video description all the way through; I included timestamp hyperlinks and description of what's happening.

Comments (5)

  1. Xwvm Art

    The issue is with the default keybinding, which uses the period key to reduce throttle. This issue can be resolved by remapping the key in your existing profile.

    Applied change in development to rebind this key automatically, so new control configs based on default should not have this issue.

  2. Xwvm Art

    Fix applied in development. Please retest in the next build when available, by first resetting your controls to the default (you can do this in the remap controls screen) and then testing the operation of the Period key.

  3. star ithm reporter

    Thank you for your response. I confirmed that after I removed the alternate hotkey that was the period key next to "Throttle -1%" in Remap Game Controls menu, the game no longer decreased my throttle when toggling between cockpit view and non-cockpit view.

    However, when I switch from cockpit view to non-cockpit view, I hear the sound of the most recently changed laser or shield power level.

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