Pressing Esc Key and Clicking Remap Game Controls and Pressing Esc Key Again Doesn't Close the Window

Issue #459 resolved
star ithm created an issue

After starting a mission and the cockpit view shows up, pressing Esc key and clicking on Remap Game Controls and then pressing Esc key again doesn't close the Remap Game Controls menu window. Instead, it closes the first menu window, and the game runs in the background until I click "Done" button. If I press Esc key repeatedly before I click "Done" button from the Remap Game Controls menu window, it closes and opens the main menu window behind the Remap Game Controls menu window multiple times.

Here's my unlisted YouTube video showing the bug in action:

Please read the video description all the way through; I included timestamp hyperlinks and description of what's happening.

Comments (4)

  1. star ithm reporter

    This issue is resolved. Pressing Esc key multiple times when in Remap Game Controls menu screen does not close or open the first menu window in the background.

    Thank you.

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