Joystick Issue

Issue #464 duplicate
Rich Kinkead created an issue

Hi all. Is there a way to save map control settings in your joystick? When ever I log on I always have to reset rolling options on my joystick. I renember a while back this wasn't an issue for me, but ever since one of the updates, this is a reoccuring issue now.

Comments (5)

  1. Xwvm Art

    Joystick settings should be retained between game sessions, and are stored in the Windows registry (at present).

    Can you provide more details of the issue? What joystick(s) are you using, and are there any other devices connected? Is the joystick unplugged between sessions? Which version of Windows are you using? Do you know roughly when the issue began occurring?

  2. Rich Kinkead reporter

    Hello. I use a Logitech Attack 3 joystick. I use windows 10. I believe this started happening about at least 3 to 4 months ago. Just again, it's when ever I set my button 4 and 5 to counter roll and counter clock roll. When I load back into game later on it sets it back to default. I don't believe it did that before.

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