Period Key to Toggle Pilot View to Cockpit View and Non-Cockpit View Makes Recent Laser or Shield Level Change Sound

Issue #467 resolved
star ithm created an issue

After pressing the period key "." to toggle pilot view to cockpit and non-cockpit view and vice versa, it will make the recent laser or shield recharge level change sound from that pilot view. For instance, if I change to non-cockpit view at the start of the game, change laser recharge level to 3/4th, and I change to cockpit view then back to non-cockpit view again, then I hear the sound of laser recharge level set at 3/4th.

If I change the shield recharge level to 3/4th while in cockpit view, and when I change my pilot view from non-cockpit view back to cockpit view again, then I will hear the sound of shield recharge level set at 3/4th.

Here's my unlisted YouTube video showing the bug in action:

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