torpedo tails and mouse cursor.

Issue #471 resolved
Rich Kinkead created an issue

Beautiful Update. However I assume this new update torpedoes are suppose to have a trail now. I did like torpedoes last update with no trail. But just an opinion. Also mouse cursor looks larger again. I did like smaller cursor from pevious update. Just bigger cursor looks like something from the 80's. Again just an opinion. Also a mission I played in Tour Duty 1 Mission 3. Evacute Rebels. something like that. The star Destroyer Invicible pops in and starts firing on transports and corvette. It appears now that the corvette looks like it was veering off course and actually surving the attack. As I remember when I approach these ships they are usually destroyed in the original. Mission did work correctly from previous update. Joystick problem I had is now working smoothly.

Comments (4)

  1. Ras Talon

    The CRV surviving is a known issue regarding ISD turret configuration.

    This will be re-examined once the new ISD model is completed.

  2. Xwvm Art

    Depending on which screen resolution you are using, the cursor should stay at roughly the normal size. Which screen resolution are you running the game at?

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