QOL Enhancement Proposal: Continously Match Speed With Target

Issue #473 new
Ras Talon created an issue

Current behavior of MATCH SPEED WITH TARGET is that it takes the target speed at that instant and sets your ship to the same speed.

Problem: The target will often change speeds causing you to not maintain desired distance, causing the player to spam the MATCH SPEED WITH TARGET function.

Proposal: Treat the function as a toggle, such that when pressed once, the player's ship constantly matches speed with the target until one of several things happen:

  • a different speed setting is manually entered. (via increase/decrease speed function, or throttle axis input)

  • the target ship is destroyed or despawned (enters hanger/hyperspaces)

  • the player targets another ship

  • the player turns off his targeting computer

the function should take into account ELS power changes. for purists, the function may be optional.

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