Board to take cargo - if target is destroyed wrong behavior

Issue #509 resolved
Ras Talon created an issue

Observed in both T5M2 and HXW5

If a ship is ordred to board target to take cargo, and the target is destroyed:

In XWVM currently - the target will “Look for craft to board” forever.

In XW98 - the ship will hyper out

Comments (5)

  1. Xwvm Art
    • changed status to open

    Observed in XWH5 - not yet fixed.

    To reproduce:

    Wait for FRT Citedal to hyper in, then destroy the craft they are boarding. (FRT Wiggins OR Con XI special)

    Note that Citedal A.I goes to "Looking for craft to board" instead of Hyper out


  2. Xwvm Art
    • changed status to open

    Still occurs, tested in T5M2, destroying CON Alpha-C, CRV Habatok looks for ship to board forever.


  3. Xwvm Art

    Fixed in Ai rework. Note that ships will still attempt to board an exploding ship which causes a transient flip-flop order behaviour, but this is original behaviour.

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