Turret targeting priority is off

Issue #578 resolved
Xwvm Art created an issue

I used a custom mission of mine to test this and found that its not quite like the original.

In the custom mission I have posted, the Imperial CRV will attack the Rebel Destroyer. In the original, the player can fly right up to the CRV's turret and it will still be engaged with the destroyer. In XWVM, the CRV will engage the destroyer unless the player comes about 0.46km and then it will engage the player.

Based on my notes, the priority should be:

  • Attack hostile Starships regardless of Starship type order at < 2.4km

If there are no hostile Starships within that distance

  • If order is SSHold or SSCircle
    a. Attack Primary/Secondary < 1.6km
    b. Attack whatever is hostile < 1.6km


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