TIEs are not destroyed when disabled

Issue #60 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Original X-wing behavior had TIEs blow up when disabled. I'm actually ok with this feature not being implemented since it was removed for XvT balancing, but its something to consider since it is easier to take out T/Is and T/Bs with ions than lasers.

Comments (15)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    This is more like a feature than a bug. But the consequences of this need to be evaluated. If it breaks missions or make them too easy, we should revert to the original behavior or make this optional. Since Ions are way slower than lasers, it should be harder to disable TIE Interceptors with them, though.

  2. Justagai reporter

    I do want to add that it does make it easier for the player if TIEs aren't destroyed when disabled. It prevents additional waves from spawning and would allow players to easily destroy Star Destroyers. Not that they weren't easy to destroy in the first place with the whole shield gen thing.

  3. feipan

    Actually this can be circumvented by the mission checking for active craft. If no active craft are present, send the next wave?

  4. David Esparza Guerrero

    This issue was solved by applying Feipan's suggestion: - TIEs are disabled as any other craft. - If all TIEs left in a wave are disabled, then the next wave is sent.

    This should keep balance (you cannot stall TIEs' reinforcements by disabling them) at the same time that it evens out X-wing behavior with later games in the series. Is this a wrong solution?

  5. Justagai reporter

    If we keep this mechanic, then we set a precedent to the player that disabling ships will not prevent waves. Which the developers developed around this mechanic throughout the series. Simply having them self-destruct is fine since it tells the player that another wave will becoming because they were destroyed, as opposed to confusing the player.

  6. Dez E

    I'd be inclined to agree that self-destruct, for those specific craft types only, is probably the way to go. It preserves game balance and authenticity with the original. Where the balance comes in is when you have AI wingmen with disable orders that are attacking enemies - in which case they will be using ions.

    You can also end up with a situation where if multiple waves of the same craft, you could potentially have a number of craft named exactly the same (e.g. three T/F Alpha 1's), which as Justagai mentioned could be confusing for players.

    Would this only apply to the X-Wing ruleset, or does this exist in TIE Fighter and later too? (I don't recall seeing this behaviour in any of the other games)

  7. Dez E

    Haha, I guess that answers that question, then. :-)

    (Yes, TIEs still get destroyed when disabled in TIE Fighter)

  8. TheHutt

    If we keep this mechanic, then we set a precedent to the player that disabling ships will not prevent waves. Which the developers developed around this mechanic throughout the series. Simply having them self-destruct is fine since it tells the player that another wave will becoming because they were destroyed, as opposed to confusing the player.

    I agree with this opinion. Being able to disable TIEs will make the game illogical, as to why waves are prevented or not prevented depending on the craft. The solution of the original game was ideal. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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