[AI] YWHM5 - FRG Furious fires at FRT Hampton

Issue #61 resolved
Dez E created an issue

In XWVM, when FRG Furious gets in range of the FRT Hampton, it fires at the freighter and destroys it, if it hasn't been already.

In XW98, FRG Furious doesn't fire at the freighter when passing, even though it's in range. In this version, it quite happily fires at the player.

In XW94 (GoG, Dosbox), the FRG doesn't fire at all - which is more likely to be a known bug in Dosbox emulation affecting capital ship firing in X-Wing and TIE Fighter.

To reproduce:

  • Play through Y-Wing Historical Mission 5, keeping FRT Hampton and FRG Furious alive

  • When the FRT is in range of the FRG, note in XWVM that the FRG begins firing. Different behaviour observed in XW98.

Comments (8)

  1. Justagai

    I'm not able to open up X-ED, but can someone check and see if FRG Furious has a secondary target? When I converted it over to XvTED it showed that it had a primary target "SHU Mercy" and secondary target of "IFF Rebel". Maybe it has something to do with managing threat with Starfighters and freighters?

  2. Dez E reporter

    It's got a 'Starship Circle' order, with Shuttle Mercy as the primary target, and no secondary target:


  3. Justagai

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong since I'm just guessing here, but I believe capital ships in X-Wing will always attack the opposing faction if it does not have either a primary target, secondary target or neither. Since there is no specified target, its turrets fire upon ships that have the highest threat. XWVM may not be taking this into account and capital ships will fire on the closest enemy ship available.

  4. MajorParts

    Allied shows a secondary target of IFF Rebel, but it's in the "B" slot and so doesn't show as part of the orders in the little "orders" box. Either x-ed is incomplete in the orders department, or Allied etc add defaults to be compatible with XWA/XvT. Allied makes a lot of sense in the fact that Red 2 will only attack transports that are Imperial...but that leads me to think that the IFF changes for boarded craft depending on who they were last boarded by?

  5. Justagai

    Ok, I've been approaching this all wrong. For some reason I thought the FRT was getting captured and the Frigate was firing on it (which is normal behavior). In this mission there is only an exchange of cargo between the SHU and the FRT. The FRT retains the neutral IFF throughout the mission.

    The bug here is that the frigate is attacking a neutral craft. In the original X-wing, capital ships by default would fire on the opposing IFF except neutrals. In order for Rebel or Imperial IFF capital ships to attack them, they must be specified in either the primary or secondary targets.

    tldr: rebel and imp capital ships should not be firing on neutrals unless specified.

    EDIT: I have confirmed that XWVM has rebel and imp capital ships firing on neutrals when they shouldn't be.

  6. Justagai

    Just wanted to add this also applies to neutral fighters. Neutrals will not fire at any other IFF unless specified.

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