AI shooting a target behind another ship

Issue #64 wontfix
Justagai created an issue

Steps to reproduce:

  • Fly Y-Wing Historical Mission 5
  • Take out fighters
  • Have the wingman attack the transport boarding FRT Hampton (if it isn't attacking it already)
  • If wingman is below the freighter on the opposite side of the transport, it will shoot at the freighter while gunning for the transport.

This is...actually normal behavior in X-Wing. I'd like to propose an AI enhancement where it will try to line up its shot differently if there is another ship in front of its target.

The devs didn't really deal with this since a majority of the time you are alone and are facing a lot of Imperials. They did however turn off friendly fire COMPLETELY for the Imperial IFF (later changed in TIE Fighter and beyond). Which is why we don't really see FF issues between imperials in the original X-wing.

Comments (1)

  1. Justagai reporter

    Sorry past me, but I don't think we should implement this anymore. I'm ok with keeping it as it is.

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