Cursor - still interactive and enabled when not visible

Issue #643 resolved
Dez E created an issue

When in-flight and not holding the cursor toggle, interactive elements on screen can still be triggered with the cursor (e.g. s-foil lever, or MFD buttons).

To reproduce:

  • Start a mission
  • Use the cursor toggle to navigate to and interact with a button in the cockpit, e.g. an active MFD button.
  • Release the cursor toggle key, observe that the cursor is no longer visible.
  • Press the cursor select key (default same as fire) and observe the element is interacted with.

Comments (2)

  1. MajorParts

    Merged in bugfix/643-cursor-interactive-when-disabled (pull request #1012)

    Bugfix/643 cursor interactive when disabled

    • Fix issue #643 by forcing underlying player mouse to be disabled when cursor is not visible.

    • Fix issue #644 - default graphics setting changed to 'High' instead of 'Ludicrous'

    • Fix issue #642 - correct dupliate 'installed' text for single games, and game library options when adding the first game.

    → <<cset ab1b8daee29b>>

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